The Importance of the Arts

In my 20, short years of life, I have found three things to always be true:

  1. Family is all one really has
  2. Travel is a necessity because there is no substitute for breathing the air of somewhere new for the first time
  3. The world would not survive without the arts

There would be no history, no art or literature, no passion, no creativity. There would be logic but who wants that all the time? I am a rising senior pursuing a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing and I could not be more in love with the path I chose.
I have dedicated my life to pursuing the arts, in the hopes to eventually find some type of reward, but on that journey I have found that the reward is not mine. My writing can change lives, the same way art or music can. The arts can be an outlet, a hobby, a career, a form of therapy, a way of life, and so much more.
The world cannot survive on logic alone and SMARTS is an organization dedicated to helping students apply their passions and reach their dreams.

By McKenzie Teter